
辺野古訴訟、国が異例の意見書 最高裁に上告棄却要求 2016/10/28

琉球新報 2016年10月28日 07:30 


Japan asks Supreme Court to dismiss Okinawa’s appeal against ruling made by Fukuoka High Court on Henoko lawsuit 2016/10/28

October 28, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo

Japan asks Supreme Court to dismiss Okinawa’s appeal against ruling made by Fukuoka High Court on Henoko lawsuit

 The U.S. Marine Camp Schwab and Oura Bay where the Japanese government launched reclamation work (Photograph taken on October 29, 2015)

The Okinawa prefectural government recently appealed the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court’s ruling that Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga’s cancellation of approval to reclaim land in Henoko, Nago City was “illegal.” The Japanese government submitted written opinions to reject the Okinawa prefectural government’s appeal on October 21. It is extremely rare for the Japanese government to turn in written opinions while the Supreme Court is in the process of determining whether or not it will hold a session on a lawsuit.

「土人」発言に抗議決議 県議会 賛成多数で可決、自民は反対 2016/10/28

琉球新報 2016年10月28日 12:25 


Prefectural Assembly adopts resolution of protest against discriminatory remarks by riot police 2016/10/28

October 28, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo 

Prefectural Assembly adopts resolution of protest against discriminatory remarks by riot police

On October 28 the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly passes a protest resolution by majority vote in objection to a riot police officer using the term “aborigines” and other such occurrences.


Dugong not seen since 2015, possibly due to impact of Oura Bay construction 2016/10/27

October 27, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo

Dugong not seen since 2015, possibly due to impact of Oura Bay construction

Photograph taken in 2005 by Hirokazu Nakazato. A dugong swims serenely in the sea off the coast of Henoko, Nago City. A dugong was also photographed swimming with a green sea turtle roughly seven kilometers off the coast of Henoko by NHK in 2014.  

On October 25, it was learned that the dugong, a natural monument of Japan, has not been observed in Oura Bay since January 2015. The Okinawa Defense Bureau sunk large concrete blocks into the sea off the coast of Henoko, Nago City around that time, and nature conservation groups point to the impact of the construction work there as the reason dugong have not been observed. The Defense Bureau has currently suspended surveys of marine life, and nature conservation groups are calling on the prefectural government to see that the surveys are resumed immediately.

ジュゴン 姿消す 15年度以降、大浦湾工事影響か 2016/10/27

琉球新報 2016年10月27日 08:30 



沖縄県系若者が辺野古、高江に 基地沖縄 苦難学ぶ 2016/10/25

琉球新報 2016年10月25日 06:30 


Young attendees to the 6th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival visit and study Henoko and Takae 2016/10/25

October 25, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo

Young attendees to the 6th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival visit and study Henoko and Takae

Participants in the tour to Henoko and Takae look on and take pictures through the fence of Camp Schwab on October 24 at the beach in Henoko.  

On October 24, young people of Okinawan heritage in their 20s and 30s from countries around the world visited places shaken by military base issues, namely the ocean at Henoko and the woods in Takae, prior to the opening of the 6th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival on October 27. These participants shared thoughts such as, “resistance is essential after all,” “the existence of the bases is a problem which affects people’s lives,” and “I also wanted to hear the thoughts of people who accept [the bases].” Linked to the festival, the bus tour Yuntaku Bus 2016 via Takae and Henoko took about 20 participants including 13 from North and South America to view these areas.