Attendees of the symposium listening intently to speakers’ statements on November 26.
November 27, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
On the evening of November 26, at a youth assembly hall (Okinawa-ken Seinenkaikan Horu) in Naha City, an Okinawan group opposing military base relocation within Okinawa held an urgent symposium on protecting the whole of Yambaru from becoming a danger zone in the Ie-jime, Takae, and Henoko triangle. Two hundred and fifty people attended the symposium. During the panel discussion problems such as helipad construction, Henoko base construction, and Ie-jima landing strip extension were examined from various angles, including construction illegality and environmental destruction.
In regards to helipad construction in Takae, biologist Masako Yafuso explained that there is no established method to restore the subtropical nature that has been destroyed. She said that the important thing now is to halt construction, even if only for a minute.
Tsuyoshi Kitaueda, a member of the Peace Citizens’ Liaison Committee, showed understanding for the Prefectural Government’s acceptance of resumed construction on Camp Schwab barracks. However, he said that for base construction in Henoko 56,000 tetrapods (wave-dissipating concrete blocks) would be necessary, and a concrete plant will be built in order to produce these. He emphasized, “[The concrete plant is] separate of barracks construction, and we will absolutely not allow it to be built.”
Yoshikazu Makishi, an architect, showed concern about resumed construction on the barracks. Mentioning a plan for ten-odd barrack buildings to be constructed in the vicinity of Henoko Dam, he went on to point out the overall importance of forcing the Japanese government to stop the construction itself.
Journalist Tomohiro Yara said that Japan should cooperate with American think tanks based in Washington, D.C., start negotiations with the U.S. by suggesting that the U.S. military could make progress in the Asia-Pacific region without putting Marines in Okinawa.
Minoru Naka of the Ie Village Council was present at the symposium, and hurriedly went onstage to give a report on the effects and other matters related to landing strip extension at Ie-jima Auxiliary Airfield.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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Naha symposium addresses dangers facing Yambaru from U.S. military in Takae, Henoko, Ie-jima
November 27, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpoやんばる 基地から守る 緊急シンポ 高江や辺野古の問題指摘
琉球新報 2016年11月27日 11:17
本島北部で進む米軍基地建設の問題点を考える「伊江島・高江・辺野古のトライアングル ヤンバル全体を危険地帯にしないために!緊急シンポジウム」(基地の県内移設に反対する県民会議主催)が26日夜、那覇市の県青年会館ホールで開かれた。250人が聴講。パネルディスカッションでは高江のヘリコプター着陸帯(ヘリパッド)工事や辺野古新基地建設、伊江島の着陸帯拡張に関して、違法工事や環境破壊など、さまざまな角度から問題点が指摘された。
英文へ→Naha symposium addresses dangers facing Yambaru from U.S. military in Takae, Henoko, Ie-jima