November 10, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
The first oral proceedings and the second hearing of a case brought to the Naha District Court by 31 residents of Takae, Higashi Village, took place on November 10. The case concerns to the construction of helipads in the Northern Training Area that span Higashi and Kunigami Villages. During oral proceedings the 31 residents requested that the Japanese government halt construction, and during the hearing they motioned for a temporary injunction on the case.
The defense counsel for these residents says that in relation to the motion for a temporary injunction, the presiding judge Kenichi Mori expressed that he hopes to conclude hearings with the third hearing on November 24. It appears he will approve or disapprove a temporary injunction before construction is completed.
The Japanese government is requesting that the case be dismissed on the merits.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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Temporary injunction from Naha District Court expected before completion of helipad construction in Takae
November 10, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo工事完了前に判断へ 着陸帯建設差し止め仮処分 北部訓練場
琉球新報 2016年11月10日 16:11
英文へ→Temporary injunction from Naha District Court expected before completion of helipad construction in Takae