2016年12月8日 07:30
会見には国際環境NGO「FoE Japan」の満田夏花理事、やんばるの森に生息する動植物などを調査する宮城秋乃さんが同席した。
英文へ→More than 100 send letter to US president asking for stop to Takae helipad construction
拝啓米大統領「高江中止の英断を」 識者ら100人超が書簡
2016年12月8日 07:30
More than 100 send letter to US president asking for stop to Takae helipad construction
December 8, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
(From right) Hiroko Mizuguchi, Akino Miyagi and Kanna Mitsuta announce
the submission of an open letter to U.S. President Obama asking him to
oppose helipad construction on December 7 at the Foreign Correspondents’
Club of Japan in Tokyo
(Tokyo) On December 7, more than 100 Diet members, academics, artists, civil society groups and the like submitted an urgent open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama demanding a stop to the construction of helipads in Okinawa with disregard to the environmental burden and the will of the people. The helipads are being built in conjunction with the return of roughly half of the U.S. military’s Northern Training Area, which spans Higashi Village and Kunigami Village. The letter calls for an immediate halt to the construction, stating, “Time is running out for Takae. We request you to make an honorable decision as soon as possible.”
As of December 7, signatories to the letter include film director Isao Takahata, Doshisha University professor Noriko Hama, nonfiction writer Satoshi Kamata, and sociologist Chizuko Ueno.
The idea to submit a letter was proposed by Uchinada Town Councilwoman Hiroko Mizuguchi, 68, of Ichikawa Prefecture. On the 7th, she announced the letter at a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo. Uchinada Town was the site of the “Uchinada struggle”, one of the earliest anti-U.S. base construction movements on the Japanese mainland in the 1950s, which led to the closure of a U.S. military firing range. Councilwoman Mizuguchi, who takes part in activities to teach younger generations about the struggle, revealed her reason for wanting to send the letter to President Obama, saying, “Bases became concentrated in Okinawa because of the spread of the anti-base movement [on the mainland]. It was a shock.”
The letter explains that the Japanese government is hurrying to finish the helipads and their process lacks consideration for environmental conservation, pointing out that “Suppression by riot police has therefore become increasingly violent and persistent.” It calls on President Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, saying, “The Japanese government shows little interest in [Okinawans’] plight. As the President of the United States of America, you are now the only person who can save the Takae district in Okinawa.”
Also present at the press conference were Kanna Mitsuta of the international NGO “FoE Japan” and Akino Miyagi, who studies animal and plant life in the Yambaru forests.
(English translation by T&CT and Sandi Aritza)
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December 8, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo