2017年1月13日 朝刊
「沖縄の基地反対リーダー釈放を」 「微罪」で3カ月勾留 東京で抗議
2017年1月13日 朝刊
Three public figures call for immediate release of Hiroji Yamashiro at Tokyo press conference
January 13, 2017 Ryukyu ShimpoOn January 12 in a House of Councillors members’ meeting hall, Kamata, Ochiai, and Sataka call for the immediate release of Chairman Yamashiro of the Okinawa Peace Movement Cente
On January 12 in Tokyo, documentary writer Satoshi Kamata, author Keiko Ochiai, and commentator Makoto Sataka held a press conference calling for the release of Chairman Hiroji Yamashiro of the Okinawa Peace Movement Center, who was arrested more than 80 days ago and continues to be detained by police. Yamashiro is involved in the opposition movements to construction of a new base in Henoko and construction of helipads in Takae.
Kamata says: “A leader is being confined long-term to block the [opposition] movement. This is absolutely unacceptable.”
The three holding the press conference announced that since mid-December signatures of 16,528 people from 66 counties calling for Yamashiro’s release have been collected. These signatures will be submitted to Naha District Court this month. As signatures are being collected online, among other efforts, the word of these movements is spreading.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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Free Hiroji Campaign / 「山城博治さんらを救え!」キャンペーン
現在署名運動をしています。サイトはこちら → change.orgEnglishの署名サイトはこちら →Free Hiroji Yamashiro
Free Hiroji Campaign / 「山城博治さんらを救え!」キャンペーン
現在署名運動をしています。サイトはこちら → change.org“I am waiting for the day I will proudly raise my voice in protest together with colleagues. I will do my best here.”
Okinawa anti-base Protest Leader, Mr.Yamashiro, Hiroji
沖縄平和運動センター 山城博治議長「今こそ、翁長知事を支え、沖縄の将来を開くために、意を決して力を合わせましょう。未来は、私たちのものです」
TOPICS:Special Feature: Okinawa holds mass protest rally against US base
“The future is ours,” leader Yamashiro detained for protest against new US base calls for unity
Director of the Okinawa Peace Movement Center HirojiYamashiro
December 24, 2016 Ryukyu Shimpo
Hiroji Yamashiro, the director of the Okinawa Peace Movement Center, who was arrested on October 17, has been prosecuted and is now being detained for his involvement in protests against new U.S. base construction in Henoko, Nago and Helipad construction in the U.S. marines’ Northern Training Area (NTA) in Takae, Higashi. He responded to interview requests made by the Ryukyu Shimpo through a lawyer who has been representing him.
On December 24, the Ryukyu Shimpo sent him questions, and received his response in writing on the same day.
Yamashiro emphasized the importance of continuing the movement and not giving in to the central government’s hardline stance on building the new base and the helipads.
“Now is the time to support Governor Onaga. Let’s join our hands to work for the future of Okinawa. The future is ours,” he states in his response.
“I feel unexplained anger,” He says. He denounced the Osprey crash and called for the unity of Okinawan people, “Let’s unite and exercise the power of the prefecture’s people to stop this reckless chain of fear.”
Touching on a ceremony held on December 22 for the return of part of the northern training area, Yamashiro expressed his feelings,
“I was so moved emotionally that tears were coming out of my eyes when I heard that Governor Onaga had publicly taken part in the citizens’ protest gathering with a resolute attitude, refusing to attend the ceremony. I remember the strength that I felt.”
He stated, regarding the arrest of many protesting citizens including himself,
“I cannot help but say that it is unforgivable repression.”
He wrote about the future,
“I am waiting for the day I will proudly raise my voice in protest together with colleagues. I will do my best here.”
(English translation by T&CT)
「未来は私たちのもの」 政府批判、結集訴え 新基地抗議で勾留の山城議長
2016年12月24日 11:59
英文へ→“The future is ours,” leader Yamashiro detained for protest against new US base calls for unity