
US航空管制官 「サウスウエスト飛行機の左翼からケムトレイルが放出された」と報告-2017/01/23

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Air Traffic Control to Pilot: ‘You Have A Chemtrail Off Your Left Wing

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航空管制室からパイロットへ :「貴飛行機はの左翼からChemtrailを出している」

An air traffic controller told a Southwest pilot he had “a chemtrail off (his) left wing” last week – and it was recorded for posterity.
40 seconds after Southwest 1256 took off from Portland International at 6:18pm, September 21st, 2016, an air traffic controller in the tower radioed the pilot to say:
“I don’t know if it’s normal I just haven’t seen it that low; it appears like a chemtrail-type situation off your left wing.”
When the pilot asked her to repeat it, she said:

航空管制官は先週、サウスウエスト航空パイロットに「先週ケムトレイルを放っていた」と話し、「後世 posterity.」のために記録した。サウスウエスト航空1256便が2016年9月21日午後6時18分にポートランド・インターナショナルから離陸してから40秒後、タワーの航空管制官は操縦士に無線で、



「あなたの飛行機の左翼から まるでケムトレイルのように見えます。 私は以前にはそのようなものは見たことがありませんが、それはよく似ていいます...」





Air Traffic Control to Pilot: ‘You Have A Chemtrail Off Your Left Wing

By on

An air traffic controller told a Southwest pilot he had “a chemtrail off (his) left wing” last week – and it was recorded for posterity.

40 seconds after Southwest 1256 took off from Portland International at 6:18pm, September 21st, 2016, an air traffic controller in the tower radioed the pilot to say:

“I don’t know if it’s normal I just haven’t seen it that low; it appears like a chemtrail-type situation off your left wing.”
When the pilot asked her to repeat it, she said:

It looks like a chemtrail off your left wing, I just have not seen it that low before, but it does look similar to a…”

Her transmission is cut off before she can finish her sentence. When you hear her again 10 seconds later, she alters her phrasing to say:
“Alright, a contrail off your left wing.” 

The pilot does not appear surprised or concerned.

Fortunately, the audio was archived at LiveATC.net. To download it for yourself, select September 22nd 2016 (UTC), select the KPDX Ground/Tower and 0100-0130 for the time and click submit.

You should then be able to download the file “KPDX-Twr-Sep-22-2016-0100Z.mp3”
The relevant part is about 18 minutes and 40 seconds into the file.
Special thanks to http://stopsprayingus.com for making the file and transcript available.

Via: Humans Are Free

"You've a chemtrail off your left wing" - air traffic controller

