2017年2月13日 琉球新報
the Okinawa Defense Bureau in Kadena Town on February 13 around 11:20
a.m., co-representative of the Opposition of Henoko Soil Hauling Sachio
Otsu (second from the left along the table) explains the status of soil
collection in Amami and requests measures to prevent the introduction of
invasive species.
February 13, 2017 Ryukyu Shimpo
Thirteen members of Opposition to Henoko Soil Hauling, a nationwide
liaison council comprised of local organizations to the soil collection
sites for Henoko land reclamation, including co-representative of the
council Sahio Otsu (from Amami City, Kagoshima Prefecture), visited the
Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) on February 13. Opposition to Henoko Soil
Hauling requested that the ODB not put its soil collection and hauling
budget to use until measures to prevent the introduction of invasive
species are formulated. Otsu said, “First of all, we strongly protest
that construction in the ocean has started,” and went on to say, “Land
reclamation for the new base in Henoko destroys the environment; the
mountains and ocean of our beautiful homeland where we live, and
consequently our way of life.” He objected that to this day the Japanese
government has not provided an explanation regarding soil hauling.
ODB Deputy Director-General Kimihiko Endo sidestepped by asserting
that the soil collection sites mentioned in the application for approval
of land reclamation were merely considered in early-stage planning. He
said that at this time the ODB does not have contracts with suppliers or
set plans on where to collect soil.
However, Otsu claimed that the supplier in Yamato Village, Amami has
actually finished boulder removal and collection, and the local
residents were assembled and persuaded that the next quarry would be on
Okinawan soil. Otsu said Endo cannot continue to ignore that soil
collection is progressing.
Citizens from Nago City, Motobu Town, Amami Oshima, the Inland Sea
region, and Kitakyushu came to the ODB with Opposition to Henoko Soil
Hauling. They are residents of locales mentioned as soil collection
sites in the application for approval of land reclamation.
(English translation by T&CT and Erin Jones)
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